BK said:
> > I tell you one thing. I prefer my GSM Nokia 8110 over any Japanese phone
> > anytime and so does my Japanese wife who has her own 8110 for when we
> > are travelling abroad ...
Then On Tue, 8 Jan 2002, Oliver Brose wrote:
> Good choice ;) I have used that phone for two years, excellent device,
> tough, took a lot, never failed, and a design-classic as well. I loved it.
> It's a phone, and it doesn't claim to be anything else. SMS & data with the
> 8110i, that's it. Does its job very well.
Ah. More Nokia fans. Excellent :) I've had a 51x0 for over a year now
(first a 5160i, on Rogers/AT&T TDMA, and now a 5190, on Fido N.American
GSM) and it's such a great, solid phone. Basic, yes, but rock-solid, a
great menu system IMHO, and I haven't broken it yet :)
Bringing this back on topic... I've been thinking for a while now about
possibly writing a Nokia <-> Newton sync program for names and phone
numbers (For Windows). The phone side would use Gnokii
(http://www.gnokii.org) for comms with the phone, so as Gnokii support
grows, so would support for this sync. Of course, you'd have to have
either an IrDA port on your PC, or a serial port with the correct data
cable, and then a serial connection to the Newton (probably using Sloup
on the Newton side, since this is what I've worked with closely).
Other than this minor point about connections, this project seems very
feasible. I just always wondered if there was interest... so is there
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