Re: [NTLK] [OT] Bigger than iWalk

From: Rhonda Hyslop (rhonda_at_paradox.null)
Date: Tue Jan 08 2002 - 22:54:40 EST

On 8 Jan 2002, Sushi wrote:

> >>On Tue, 8 Jan 2002, BK wrote:
> >>
> >>Of course they also tell us that we need 2GHz clock speed on a
> >>desktop computer. And once we have it they will tell us that
> >>we really need 3GHz. Do we ? What for ?
> >
> >On Tue, 08 January 2002, Rhonda Hyslop wrote:
> >
> >hear hear! (she says, posting from a 5 1/2 year old computer -
> >her primary desktop)
> Please don't assume that your needs are the same as mine. You may very
> well not need a 3GHz based computer. Where as I may need that
> capability yesterday. :-)

heheh. I was replying to the 'they tell us that we need' comment, not to
the 'do we need 3GHz'. The company selling the computers don't know what
we really need (at least the standard desktops - the big iron companies
hopefully *do* know what their customers need, but that's just a little
outside the scope of 'desktop computers') they just keep pushing faster
and faster computers and making us think we need them. As you say, our
needs are different. Someone who only wants to check email doesn't need
the top-of-the-line model (whatever it may be that month) whereas some
people (like you?) need more than top-of-the-line can provide.


I've had a few people ask me for advice on what computer to buy. The
first thing I ask is "what do you need it for?" and after talking for a
while with them, I haven't yet recommended that they buy the latest and
greatest, because they don't need it.

I guess I'm just not a good little consumer. Don't tell anybody ;-)


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