Re: [NTLK] Sharp (was: No new Newton, but Palm might have promise)

From: Denis Krasnov (
Date: Thu Jan 10 2002 - 01:39:30 EST

>> From: Denis Krasnov <>
>>> yet another possibility is new SL-5000 handheld from Sharp.
>>> Linux, Java, color, StrongARM, builtin keyboard, Opera browser, MP3.
>>> I've got a developer unit right now -- powerful, fast, has a lot of
>>> potential. although it's supposed to be available to consumers in a few
>>> months, I wonder whether it'll be ready -- the built-in organizer apps need
>>> to be much improved, and more of the Linux and configuration complexity need
>>> to be hidden.
>> What about HWR ?
> it has HWR in separate areas (similar to PocketPC) for UPPER. lowercase,
> digits. also several soft keyboards, though the slide-out built-in kbd is
> rather cool.
>>> a few reviews:
>>> html

I've ponds of questions ?

What Java API does it use ?
Is it a full implementation of Java 2 SE?
Does it support JMF ?
Are there some unsupported APIs ?

How does the developing process go, can I just compile a class on my mac and
use it in Zarus ?

Is java all you can code on for it, I mean to say when sound, video or
images concerned, java is not going very far , audio is implemented quite
poorly, graphics is a bit half-witted and all that ?

Cheers, Denis

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