At first I thought I was just "bumping" the write-protect button. But
that's not the case... it's always in the "write-allowed" position, and
still reports that it's write-protected. Flipping the switch
"up" (write-protect) and then "back down" (write-allowed) while the card's
ejected seems to clear this particular error... at least for a while.
As far as formatting... when I first inserted the card, it said it wasn't
formatted for Newton use, so I let it erase/format the card. I'm not sure
if that's the same as force-formatting by opening the prefs slip, but I'll
try it!
Thanks for the tips.
On Thu, 10 Jan 2002, Robert Benschop wrote:
> So is the write-protect button in the same position all the time ?
> Did you format the card before you started using it ?
> (you can force a Newt to do a format by inserting a card while the Prefs
> slip is open)
> Robert Benschop
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