Re: [NTLK] Why Won't Internet Setup Work?

From: Peter Cameron (
Date: Thu Jan 10 2002 - 20:24:59 EST

on 1/10/02 6:46 PM, Philip Katz at wrote:

>>> I installed NIE 2.0 (everything I needed). I went to Internet setup in
>>> extras, but when I tapped it, It said it can't run because Newton
>>> Internet
>>> Enabler isn't installed, but it is? Any ideas?

    OK. You should have installed InternetEnabler.pkg (required),
InternetSetup.pkg (required), ISP Templates.pkg (optional). Check extras and
make sure they are there. Also, check memory and make sure there's come heap
left (likely not a problem on a problem on a 2100, but you never know). If
the packages are there and you have a few hundred K of heap try a soft reset
and see if InternetSetup works.


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