Re: [NTLK] [OT] Re - Needs

From: Ed Kummel (
Date: Thu Jan 10 2002 - 23:14:56 EST

Yes, ADB plugs were notorious! I would regularly cause
a machine to malfunction when hot-plugging an ADB
device (usually it happened when someone dropped the
barcode scanner and plugged it back in. I designed a
barcode inventory system with FMP and our inventory
people were none to gentle with the equipment!)
So, I was compelled to find a solution. What I found
out (and this goes back to my cartridge computer days)
is that if I used a nail trimmer to snip a small
section off of pin 3 (+power) that made it shorter
than the data pin. Therefore, the data would be
present before the power was!
            Apple Desktop Bus (ADB)
            Pin Signal name Signal description

            1 ADB Data
            2 PWRON Power on
            3 +5v +5 volts DC
            4 GND Signal ground

(old cartridge computers and gaming machines did this.
You'll notice that one finger on the slot doesn't
quite come down to the edge of the PC board.)
After I did this with the barcode scanner, we never
had an ADB problem again. I then did this to all
keyboard cables and mouses! All was well again!
web/gadget guru

--- Robert Benschop <> wrote:
> on 10-01-2002 9:39, Michael J. Hu=DFmann at
> wrote=
> :
> > The only real problem with hot-plugging ADB
> peripherals is that you need
> > to re-initialise the ADB -- MouseJolt does this,
> for example -- after
> > changing the mouse, or mouse movements get
> unbearably slow, at least in
> > most cases.=20
> Actually, I always understood that SCSI was a bit
> risky, serial worse (or
> the other way round, I've been without both for a
> while, long live Apple ;-=
> )
> but ADB was really tricky, so I always shut down my
> computers if I needed t=
> o
> plug anything in the ADB port.
> Robert Benschop

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