Re: [NTLK] Taking Notes on MP2000/2100?

From: Eric L. Strobel (
Date: Fri Jan 11 2002 - 14:13:51 EST

at the temporal coordinates: 1/11/02 1:53 PM, the entity known as Filmer,
Paul E. at conveyed the following:

>> On 11/01/02 12:55, "Filmer, Paul E." <> wrote:
>>> Not only that, if it is a repeating event or meeting, the notes only
>> appear
>>> in the first instance!
>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>> From: Eric L. Strobel []
>>>> A related problem is that notes arising from a meeting don't show up in
>>>> Notes -- they apparently can only be accessed returning to that meeting
>> in
>>>> Dates.
>>>> - Eric
>> Yes, that's something I could never understand. You have to repeat every
>> single note to every instance.
>> -Laurent
> I suppose this was so that you could actually take notes _during_ each
> separate meeting, rather than notes on how to get there...

True, but since (hopefully) the meeting is about some subject, personally
I'd be more likely to look for a note in NOTES under a folder for that
topic, rather than try to remember when all the meetings were that discussed
a particular topic. I realize that the Find button helps greatly, but

- Eric.


Eric Strobel (fyzycyst_at_NOSPAM^

===================================================================== I'm always forgetting that I have short term memory loss... =====================================================================

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