Re: [NTLK] USPS (was: $150 newt I need a US address, pls help)

From: Brian (
Date: Fri Jan 11 2002 - 22:37:59 EST

>The most likely reason that the prices differ is that if you use a 3rd
>party mailbox place (such as Mailboxes etc.) they charge a big markup.
>For domestic next day air it can be as much as a 60% markup. Curiously,
>WW Express is only a 30% upcharge, go figure.

Those "Mailboxes Etc" places are a HUGE ripoff. Minimum 25% surcharge and
often a lot more, as you mention. Also, as far as I have found, they are
the only place that is allowed to mark UP the price of a book of stamps (if
you run a small store, and try that, you get in trouble- stamps are
supposed to be just like money, except for mail- the face value is the face


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