This looks like a "repeat every day task". Just find the very first day of
this task then delete it. In the prompt, asign the "This and all future ToDo
> From: James Elliott <>
> Reply-To:
> Date: Sat, 12 Jan 2002 13:02:18 -0500
> To:
> Subject: Re: [NTLK] Drop-downs....
>> Who has the strangest list from the following _M_ categories:
> I have a ToDo that is Get Coke. Not very odd in and of itself, but it
> appears in my ToDo list almost every day. It was left there by the past
> owner. What is annoying is that it is not a repeating ToDo, so I can't
> delete once and be rid of it. Nor is it an easy task to go through and
> delete them all. I did a search fo Coke, deleted all the entries I found,
> and yet there are still more this morning. In fact, they stretch all the
> way into 2008!
> -James
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