Re: [NTLK] newtontalk Digest V2 #36

From: Don Levick, M.D. (
Date: Sun Jan 13 2002 - 17:31:04 EST

Thanks for the info. I have reset the Newt, and I am able to connect to
earthlink from other computers. I still have not figured out what is
stopping me from sending mail. Any other suggestions would be greatly

Date: Sun, 13 Jan 2002 08:48:32 +0100
Subject: Re: [NTLK] SimpleMail Question
From: Robert Benschop <>

on 13-01-2002 4:10, at

> I can connect to my earthlink account, browse and download mail from
> earthlink, but I can not send mail. When I try, I get an error message,
> "SimpleMail - server error 550.
> Requested action not taken: mailbox unavailable."
> I have not changed any settings on my Newton, and I used to be able to send
> mail.

>Have you checked with another computer ? It might be a (temporary) Earthlink
>problem. And did you do a soft reset on your Newt ? (when in doubt: restart)

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