> But did you find a way to do a forward delete ?
There's always one isn't there... ;-)
My first thought was to call a NewtonScript to perform BS and Fwd Del and
other similar functions and some enterprising Newtoneer might want to give
this a try but using GS was the indolent, and therefore preferred, solution.
I use word expansion as follows:
ca > comma
cl > colon
hy > space hyphen space
pd > period
qo > double quote
rt > return
sl > space/space
sp > space
tb > tab
I also use GS:
2 > 2 returns
L > backspace
M > Text entry macros
...and a ton of other stuff. Using GS to evaluate NS expressions makes maths
"in place" very handy plus all the launching, backlight, sleep, reboot, dock
and proPoint:
Letter "s" with no leading space to make plurals
Style sheets
Punctuation/selection/forward delete/special characters
With this lot, and the fact that I get such spectacular recognition
accuracy, any text entry task is a doddle.
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