Re: [NTLK] Re - Strength in numbers

From: Jonathan Wise (
Date: Mon Jan 14 2002 - 16:19:49 EST

I wanted to make a comment on the whole "Strength in numbers" thing.
Someone, and I can't find the message, stated that only the Ubergeeks on
this talk list would be excited about a new Newton.
Well, that's a start, but only that:

-Now add the Ubergeeks on the Mac sites, I'd dare to say they're in the
thousands -- if not hundreds of thousands. I witnessed the fury of excited
anticipation when the videos came out. There were hundreds of
posts from hundreds of different people on every Mac site I know of.
-Next, add the Ubergeeks who frequent, even they were excited.
Then, add the semi-geeks on,,, there were
articles and follow ups from each of them.
-Next, add the not-so-faithful-not-so-geeks ex-Newton users. Of the former
Newton, now WinCE/Palm users of talked to, not one of them laughs at their
Newton. They all speak fondly of it, and are sorry it had to go.
-Finally, add all the people who are sick of their Palm loosing data on them
(like my wife), all the people who are sick of their WinCE machine needing a
charge every night, and all the people who are just interested enough to try
out something new.

That's a huge target audience, easily worth the time and the money.
Sure, it's a competitive market, but people are always interested in a new
way of doing things -- especially if they're dissatisfied with the old way.
I'm a poor student, but let me tell you, if Apple came out with a PDA I
would scrape together every nickle and dime I could find until I could
afford one.

Jonathan Wise

-----Original Message-----
[]On Behalf Of Jon Glass
Sent: Monday, January 14, 2002 11:03 AM
To: Newtontalk
Subject: Re: [NTLK] Re - Strength in numbers

on 1/12/02 7:22 PM, David Golden at wrote:

> Sadly, I think that the overall retraction of tech companies, and the fact
> that there are so many other heavy hitters already actively developing and
> marketing PDAs, that there is very little room for any new start up
> ventures. Also, I firmly believe that it is very difficult to find
> qualified individuals who would have any interest in sweat equity
> propositions. I would suggest that a better approach might be to select
> or two current manufacturers to see if there might be some interest in
> modifications of existing systems.

I disagree for one simple reason--Palm. They weren't a hugely-funded "big"
player, but a small bunch of _highly_ motivated people with loads of vision.
I think that, in the end, this tends to create better products than those by
large companies with deep pockets. What really matters is the vision and
dedication. Yes, money is important but money doesn't create new ideas. I
think it is entirely possible to create a new PDA with minimal money (on a
corporate scale, of course) if the right people get together. Those people
may be on this list, or not. The key is to have a vision and a clear idea of
how to achieve that vision. I think that may be what is lacking in this
case. (Sheesh, we can't even agree on copyrights!!!) :-)

Jon Glass
Krakow, Poland

"Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! - I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty or give me death!" - Patrick Henry

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