speedy2 [speedy2_at_dag.net] wrote the following 2002-01-13 04.58:
> So I'm curious with all this talk about taking notes.
> Do the people here who take notes for their classes use an external
> keyboard or HWR or free form?
> For those in technical classes with diagrams and equations, how do you
> cope? Do you use the built-in Notes or some other third party add-ons?
> Just free-form the equations & graphs into the existing notes?
> Thanks,
> Speedy2.
the newton HWR for swedish on my MP2k is not at all as good as the english
one, unfortunately. i use Works and an external KBD when a seminar/meeting
is held in swedish. charts are drawn with the drawing/charts tool. (OK, it
is not as flexible as pen and paper, but in the final run its actually
better. my notes are quite popular after a semester when everyone needs to
study for the exams!) when i use paper, i always try to transfer the notes
or drawings to the newton, so that my notes are as complete as possible.
i always sit at the back, so that the newton KBD wont disturb. otherwise, if
the meeting/seminar is in english, i do sometimes use plain ol' notes and
HWR. external KBD is almost always to be preferred, if there is a lot of
text, IMHO.
i dont sort my notes, but i link them with moreinfo to the events, meetings
or people i have in the newton. if i have a series of seminars, i am careful
to add as many links as i can, this simplifies my work when i have to sum
down, for example a week or two before an exam.
everything is stored internally, i backup on a regular basis. after a
certain period, i transfer my notes to the mac in RTF format, keeping the
drawings and layout. the mac is also back-upped, but not as often. i always
keep a back-up newton loaded with the latest backup file if something nasty
would happen to my working unit.
when i share documents with colleagues and friends, its never the newton
that is the hub, my text are most often the first draft and are then mailed
to the person/people who need to work further on the text. as soon as people
add formatting in MS word, i cant use the newton to received the document.
many times only printed copies are shared.
what i WOULD LIKE TO DO, but cant, because its a memory hog, buggy,
unreliable expensive or simply n/a:
beter works, HWR works, send/receive GIF in simple mail, swedish spelling in
works, sorting in folders or hypernewt. (i know others would disagree, but
this is my judgement after some years of newting.)
Rhonda Hyslop <rhonda_at_paradox.null> [rhonda_at_paradox.homeip.net] wrote the
following 2002-01-13 08.31:
> Unfortunately after the years of taking notes on my newt, it seems to have
> stopped adding new words to the word list automatically. It'll add them
> and use them if I put them in manually, though. Kind of annoying,
> because I don't have time in class to manually add them, and by the end
> of the day when I do have time, I've forgotten exactly which word I was
> supposed to add.
this is a problem ive also run into...
additions i DO use: works, paul guyots "KB Backlight", dashboard, styles+,
swedish dict, bignotes, moreinfo, spellworks, nick's mark-it, and
the very best,
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