Re: [NTLK] [OT] New PDA from Nokia

From: Ed Kummel (
Date: Tue Jan 15 2002 - 17:18:47 EST

wow is this an old news story!
I used a Nokia 9000il here in the states for over a
year! It completly sucked as far as a PDA is
concerned! The menuing system was completly
unintuitive. It was many layers deep and commonly used
commands were buried in layers of menus that took
forever to get through.
I found that the only thing it had going for it was
that it could dial a number from the included address
book. But try and take notes on the thing while on a
phone call and you're screwed! That's the one thing
that I believe will kill these all-in-one devices.
Unless someone can make a device that allows you to be
on the phone and take notes (yeah, can use
the hands free thing, but those are a pain in the ear!
plus, the thing is never handy when you need it! And
on the Nokia phones you need that little "blister"
thingy to connect the headphone to) then I'll continue
with my seperate, yet fully functional cellphone and
PDA thank you!
web/gadget guru

--- wrote:
> It is a clamshell that should arrive here when the
> GSM data networks are ready.

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