Well, I'm an eletrical engeneering's studant, and I down't know very well
the technical english to explain it for you, but your adapter can offer "two
kinds of 9V". This can be near 9V and change (oscilates) with the 127/200V
of your Eletrical provider (this is verry daregerous for any eletronical
divice), but is the adapter is well made it has an internal voltage
regulator. This regulator sets the output at 9V with no relation with the
127/220V oscilation.
Fabio Palma
----- Original Message -----
From: "David Golden" <ikondave_at_charter.net>
To: <newtontalk_at_newtontalk.net>
Sent: Monday, January 14, 2002 4:12 PM
Subject: [NTLK] Power adapters
> Hello All -
> We just bought our son an eMate that came with one of those so called
> universal power adapters. The back of the package says no PDAs, but it
> have a 9v setting. How can I determine for sure if it is safe to use?
> I can't find the URL for the Newton FAQ's that I see recommended here
> abouts. Thanks for your help.
> Dave
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