Last I heard [late August / early September], they were still trying to figure
out who all the creditors were and get an audit of their assets. Oh, I see
they got bought up in November... and from the new owner's network status
page, it seems as if they're not quite sure where all the old gear was....and
not even a promised date for re-lighting the network anywhere...
As for NYC, Ricochet's network in NYC was turned back on post-9/11 in order to
get a little wireless networking going on down there to support the search
effort. I don't know if it's still up, though.
On Tue, 15 Jan 2002 16:14:17 -0800, "Chris Chapman" <>
> AFAIK, The assets were purchased, but there is no plan in place, yet that I
> know of to bring the network back up. As far as riccochet is concerned, it's
> down, and down hard. Customer were told however to hang on to the modem in
> case the network was brought back up. I havent heard of it being up in NYC
> at all. :)
> -Chris
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "doppler" <>
> To: <>
> Sent: Tuesday, January 15, 2002 4:02 PM
> Subject: [NTLK] ricochet question
> >
> > question:
> >
> > has anyone had experience with aerie (former metricom/ricochet) and
> newton?
> > is the service still available for newton?
> >
> > at, it says:
> >
> > "Ricochet Networks is actively engaged in developing new market
> > partnerships, market materials and product packages. We intend to provide
> > the service at a new lower price point than previously offered and make it
> > available to millions of users where they buy other related products and
> > services. Hold on to your modems. We will post more specific information
> > regarding market areas and in-service dates as available."
> >
> >
> > now i wonder, since i heard the network was re-opened i NYC after WTC
> > horror, is it so that the old service will work with newton again? is
> anyone
> > using it already?
> >
> > regards,
> >
> >
> > doppler
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