on 1/16/02 11:14 PM, Dustin Long at dlong_at_tamu.edu wrote:
> I bet the smell'll go away. As far as the jaggies go...
> My MP2k had the jaggies really bad. By running my ID card between the
> edges of the screen and the lip of the case (a tight fit) I was able to
> dislodge some grains of "environment" that were wedging themselves in
> there and applying pressure on the screen.
> Before giving up and sending it back, try this! It was Frank Gruendel who
> suggested it to me, and I'm leaving him (both my) MP2k in my will. ;)
> ~Dustin
I went through a rough patch with the jaggies with my first MP2k. A hard
reset helped quite a bit, but I found that buying and using a Cross
Digiwriter made a huge difference. Which reminds me, I've got to pick up
another one now that I'm Newting again...
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