> Date: Sun, 20 Jan 2002 11:10:41 +0000
> Subject: Re: [NTLK] Newton UIG
> From: "Joel M. Sciamma" <joelsciamma_at_compuserve.com>
> The humanities student they have been using to develop that interface
> clearly isn't working out so perhaps it's time they hired some
> professionals?
> Perhaps with the hiring of Bud Tribble, usability might no longer be a wo=
> that is disdained.
You mean like the system acting the way you expect it to do, and not having
to dig through heaps of folders to put some extension in there yourself, bu=
the system doing it by itself, as one is used to? Or maybe also a system
that does not spread out over the entire HD instead being neatly limited to
a single folder that is convenient to back up?
Yes, that would be quite nice.
Oliver, not very satisfied with the way some things work in OSX.
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