[NTLK] Screen Calabration Issues

From: André Baron (abaron_at_mac.com)
Date: Mon Jan 21 2002 - 08:22:12 EST

(sorry if this is a duplicate of a previous message I've posted but I posted
it when I was having problems with my email client and never did recieve the
posted message)

I've been noticing this problem for only about a month. When ever I wake my
newton up the pen recogonition is about 2mm out; meaning that when I draw a
line on the screen it appears 2mm below where my pen is. I have tried
switching backdrops thinking that by some wierd reason this could be the
cause; but I have the same problems both with infoback and Avi's backdrop.
If I hit the reset button the newt comes back alive, already clabrated
correctly! I have not expierenced the jaggies on this newt, and it doesn't
seem like the jaggies (I've expierenced the jaggies on another unit)

Any suggestions?


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