Re: [NTLK] Airport on Newton

From: Laurent Daudelin (
Date: Mon Jan 21 2002 - 23:50:11 EST

on 21/01/02 20:34, Fred at wrote:

> Has anyone gotten the WaveLAN driver to work with either a D-Link or
> Farallon 802.11b card?

The actual beta driver only works for the first generation Lucent WaveLan
cards. No ORiNOCO, or any other card, for that matter.


Laurent Daudelin            <>
Logiciels Nemesys Software

case and paste n.: [from `cut and paste'] 1. The addition of a new feature to an existing system by selecting the code from an existing feature and pasting it in with minor changes. Common in telephony circles because most operations in a telephone switch are selected using case statements. Leads to software bloat.

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