Re: [NTLK] Weird Newt in "Hackers"?

From: Christopher Myers (
Date: Tue Jan 22 2002 - 14:44:37 EST

I am sorry everyone, but I have an original iMac and and the
dimples are on the J & F keys NOT the K and D (which somebody
pointed out) like the old Mac keyboard. Could it be the early Apple
keyboards which came with Mac Classics and were very small?

I would like to view the picture but when I clicked there this
morning, it said the page was no longer available.

I would like to point out that the eMate made an appearance in
Batman as Batwoman's computer.

Also an early version (100 or 110) made an apearance on the X-
Files last year when Krychec used it to control the nanobots in
Skinners blood.


Date: Tue, 22 Jan 2002 18:56:02 +0100
Subject: Re: [NTLK] Weird Newt in "Hackers"?
From: Jon Glass <>

on 1/21/02 10:54 PM, Robert Benschop at

> But to get back on subject, the only real good close-up that I've
found of
> the keyboard in The Matrix is in scene 14, 46.24 minutes in the
> (long live the DVD player) and yes, that looks awfully much like a
> keyboard, but what is that extra row of keys (function) at the top ?

That's an iMac keyboard--early model. And sorry, there is no way
that I'll
ever know the name of that film I mentioned unless I happen to
see it again
(which is possible, since I saw it on Polish TV which tends to
films... )

-Jon Glass
Krakow, Poland
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