Re: [NTLK] newton keyboard screenshot DVD

From: Michael J. Hußmann (
Date: Tue Jan 22 2002 - 17:05:17 EST

Robert Benschop ( wrote:

> I had this in my original post, but that's exactly the weird thing.
> Both Command-Shift-3 and Command-Shift-3 (screenshot of the complete screen
> and of a user defined part of the screen) work like a charm, until I eject
> the DVD and I suddenly end up with a completely empty, black document, in
> whatever app I open the screen picture.
> Never saw anything like it, which is why I wondered if there could be some
> kind of 'data dependency' at work here.


this is a well-known phenomenon to anyone who has ever owned a Performa
630 AV, or any of its successors: You cannot take a screenshot of a video
image, regardless of the screenshot utility you use. The video window is
empty, it just serves as a cue for the video hardware so it knows where
to insert the video image (which never enters RAM and thus can't be
captured). Now the funny thing is that if you take a screenshot and then
open that -- in Photoshop, SimpleText, or whatever --, the window in the
screenshot will still prompt the video hardware to overlay the video
image within that area (a kind of chroma keying is used for that), so
while the player is running in the background, you can view the video
within the SimpleText or Photoshop window.

- Michael

Michael J. Hussmann


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