Re: [NTLK] new messagepad video out

From: aaron tester (
Date: Wed Jan 23 2002 - 04:16:59 EST

by coincidence i came across this at google groups:

>Things like 'QuickTime' and '.AVI' aren't really formats, they're
>wrappers around movie data which can be in various formats. The
>actual movie encoding is done with a codec: a compresser/decompresser.
>Different movies are saved in formats used by different codecs.
>The 'white screen' thing is a sign that the movie uses a codec
>which isn't installed on your system. Most .AVIs are compressed
>using Intel codecs which aren't installed on Mac by default.
>Some .mov files have the same problem. See
>and install those codecs, then try playing those movies again.

some of the links on that page are old so try here:

>Interesting... It's so secret all the movie will do is play some jazz and
>show this blank white picture.
>- Eric.

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