Seems easy enough...
> From:
> Reply-To:
> Date: Wed, 23 Jan 2002 13:54:30 -0500 (EST)
> To: newtontalk digest users <>
> Subject: newtontalk Digest V2 #61
> Date: Wed, 23 Jan 2002 10:25:24 -0500
> Subject: Re: [NTLK] Emate NOS 2.2
> From: Stephanie Maks <>
> To remove a system patch from the eMate, I simply turn the emate off, unplug
> it, remove the batteries, then remove the ROM card. Then I insert the ROM
> card from my MP2x00 in the emate. Plug in the power adaptor. Press the
> reset button a couple times. Press the power button a couple times. Then
> unplug it. Take the ROM card out. Then put the eMate ROM card back in.
> Put the batteries back in. Plug in the power adaptor. Press the reset
> buttom. Press the power button. Wait. Try the reset button again. Reseat
> the ROM card. Remove the batteries. Replace the batteries. Remove the AC
> power. Replace the AC power. Feel a Bad Feeling in your stomach. Finaly
> just put it away and wait for 2 days with stomach knotted in anxiety
> wondering if it will ever work again. Plug in the AC again. Let out a big
> sigh of relief when it finaly turns on.
> To remove a system patch from the MP2x00, it's the same proceedure, I just
> stuck the eMate ROM card in the MP2x00 and apply power. Then put the
> correct ROM card back in. The MP2x00 came back after only about a minute of
> anxious waiting.
> Appearantly you can completely kill a newton by doing this if you are
> unlucky. I got away with it once unscathed on the MP2100, and once with
> some stress on the eMate so I think I'm done now. :)
> Your mileage may vary.
> -Stephanie
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