Re: [NTLK] Airport on Newton

From: Jim Richter (
Date: Thu Jan 24 2002 - 13:18:49 EST

I've fudged around quite a bit with Airport 2.0 while booted in OS9.2,
as well as OSX.1, and can't get the Lucent card to work.

The card is immediately recognized with Airport 1.2. (It seems that in
version 1.3, where Apple changed "Computer to Computer" networking to
"Computer to Computer Networks" (wirelessly connecting more than 2 macs
without a base station), pure simple AppleTalk connections went out the
window. From 1.3 onwards, all file sharing is through TCP/IP)

When you put the Lucent card in the Newton, the driver recognizes it and
gives you a checkbox to enable AppleTalk use of the card. That's the
only set up needed on the Newton end. Don't have to do any "Internet

On the Mac end, make sure both AppleTalk and TCP control panels have
Airport engaged. Start NCU, change preferences to AppleTalk connection,
and you're ready to dock. Works great except for large file transfers
where the Mac and Newton lock up (each requiring a restart).

The key to connecting under Airport 2.0 is being able to make a TCP/IP
connection. Any suggestions how this can be done?

With a regular ethernet card inserted in the Newton, is it possible to
make a TCP/IP connection without any software enhancements?

I installed Thomas Templeman's TCP/IP Dock extension on the Newton.
This extension gives you a choice under the Dock application to make a
TCP/IP connection with the host computer running his Newton Dock
Utility. This utility gives you the option to make TCP connections. He
explains in the notes to the application that you can make TCP
connections with a standard PCMCIA ethernet card. I've tried this with
my 3Com ethernet card and I keep getting the -16022 error.

I've also tried using his Dock Utilitiy to make a TCP connection with
the Lucent card. When I use the Lucent card to do this, the indicator
lights don't even come on the card. Is this because the Newton is
looking for a modem to make the TCP connection other than an ethernet or
wireless LAN card? What do I need to configure on the Newton to make a
TCP connection with either the Lucent card or my ethernet card?

It seems if I could make a wireless TCP connection using Templeman's
utilities under Airport 2.0 for OS 9.2, then I should be able to do the
same using Airport for OSX.1. This would then give us wireless
connections in the OSX environment.

Please someone educate me (or correct me) if I've misstated something or
looking at this thing assbackwards.

Jim R.

On Thursday, January 24, 2002, at 11:13 AM, Oliver Brose wrote:

> I did it! It works!
> -I downgraded my system to AirPort 1.2 by extracting an 1.2 installer
> with
> TOMEVIEWER and then replacing as little as possible regarding
> systemenhancements etc.. AP1.2 somehow did not allow me to set the
> channel...
> -activated c-to-c network, told the Newt to search for other Macs - it
> foun=
> d
> the iBook & connected to NCU!
> -I managed to install a smaller pkg on the Newt, using the iBook's
> keyboard
> also works.
> -Installing a large pkg, backing up the Newt on the iBook,
> importing/exporting files all resulted in a frozen Newt/Mac, so there is
> lots of room for improvement.
> Equipment:
> -The Japanese Lucent WLAN driver for Newton
> -iBook with OS9.2.2, downgraded to AirPort 1.2
> -Lucent Technologies WaveLAN TURBO 11MB SILVER
> My iBook works fine using AP1.2, but I think the driver should be
> updated t=
> o
> use 2.0 or at least 1.3.1, if possible. If your setup does not work, be
> sur=
> e
> to use 1.2. I changed nothing except the AP software, and that made it
> work=
> .
> I will play with this a little more, as I am most interested in
> importing/exporting files - did somebody manage to import RFT?
> Oliver #}
> --

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