Re: [NTLK] Mac OS X, Newton Toolkit, PortShare, IMDb ebook

From: John Skinner (
Date: Fri Jan 25 2002 - 01:36:45 EST

Victor wrote:

My ears pricked up at this. What is TCPSerial exactly?

(goes and reads about it)

Ah. Okay. So it provides a virtual serial port on your Mac that listens
on a TCP port and shuffles data. Neat. Actually, for this you could use
UnixNPI on one end and TT's TCP/IP transport on the Newton, and from the
sounds of it you're talking about OS X connections. Yeah, I guess that
would work.

So has anybody tried the above yet?
How do you connect to your Newton using TCPSerial?
I understand what is happening on the Mac OS X side, but how is the newton
doing serial over TCP?
TT's TCP/IP package?

John Skinner
A+ Certified Computer Technician
Microsoft Certified Professional
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