Aron Hsiao wrote:
>I'm having a Newton moment.
>All this time I've been fighting serial ports to make my
>Newt backups in Linux+VMware+NCU I've felt like I was
>successful just to be able to back up without leaving Linux.
>I'd heard about BasiliskII, but never tried it. But finally
>today I pulled out my old Performa 475, saved the ROM to a
>floppy and installed BasiliskII + Mac OS 8.1 on my Linux
>box. It was a minor struggle to get it working with Red Hat
>7.2, but I finally got the CVS version to compile and run
>cleanly. I installed NCU and set everything up for
>EtherTalk, both in BasiliskII and on my Newton 2100.
>I just did my first Newton backup over ethernet in Linux!
>And it was *soooooooo* fast... 4MB internal memory plus
>about 14MB on a card, all in about 3 minutes flat. No
>disconnects, no slowdowns, no crossing my fingers hoping
>it's going to work, no need to watch the diagonal stripes
>for a full 30 minutes.
>I'm so stoked! ;) Everybody with Windows or Linux: go
>download BasiliskII, download Mac OS 7.5.3 from Apple, buy
>a $10 68k mac from some thrift store just for the ROM... so
>that you can run BasiliskII and use NCU like it was meant
>to be used. It's worth it. It's a thing of beauty.
>Not to mention that my 1GHz Athlon runs BasiliskII so fast
>that MacOS 8.1 boots in about five seconds (no joke!) and
>runs Netscape 4 so naturally you'd think it was a G3.
>Wow. I wish I'd done this a looooong time ago.
>[awkward grin]
>Well anyway... cheers, everyone!
Can you telling me what I have to do in BasiliskII that it works with my
Newton ??
I am living in the Netherlands.
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