The reason that it is so, in part, is that the Newton and the Mac both
already had support for AppleTalk built-in. This made writing the
software somewhat easier for Apple. On the other hand, to let a Newton
communicate with Windows over ethernet, they would have had to ship some
kind of AppleTalk support for Windows, or build another network
interface (Window Networking) into the Newton. So they never even
attempted the project. It is possible that they had plans to, but you
may recall that Newton development came to a rather sudden stop.
On Sunday, January 27, 2002, at 12:09 AM, Ed Kummel wrote:
> Yes, the statement is 110% true. Like the iPod,
> connections between the desktop and the Newt (using
> ethernet) only work with the Mac OS.
> If you want to play around, there is a Basilisk
> emulator which is the most popular (and free) and
> there is a complete 7.5.5 disk image (30+MB in size)
> and Mac ROMS to be had at various places on the web. I
> don't know off hand where they are (well, they're on
> my laptop right now, but that's hardly accessible to
> you and my thumbprint recognition card is currently at
> work so I can't access my laptop now anyway) but I'm
> sure that there are people on this list how can fill
> in the missing pieces.
> Ed
> web/gadget guru
> come and see my Newt on the web 24/7 (well, mostly)
> --- mmcipollone <> wrote:
>> quoting previous message..."Ethernet connections
>> ONLY work with Macs, unless
>> you install a Mac
>> emulator on your Windows or Linux box. Others on the
>> list, who are more
>> familiar with dark side, could give you instructions
>> on that procedure"....
>> please tell me this is NOT true
>> mimi
>> windows 2000 owner
>> who has heard of mac emulation programs, but has a
>> feww other things to
>> learn first...and doesn't want to have to go
>> least yet
> =====
> Just because you're a genius, doesn't make you a smart guy!
> - The Powerpuff Girls -
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