Paul Guyot wrote:
> Hi all,
> Here are some results about a NCU-like software native MacOS X, and
> especially news about why it isn't satisfying yet because of Apple.
> Some of you might know how enthusiast of the slowest Unix on earth I
> am. Nevertheless, because otherwise noone will do it, I have been
> working on a NCU replacement for you Newton & MacOS X users.
Great to hear that someone is on this (difficult and frustrating) job.
> So let me summarize.
> If you have a MacOS X computer with a serial port, you can connect
> with UnixNPI. Install then Thomas Tempelman's TCP/IP and connect to
> the DCL.
> Screen shot of Nicolas' Newton connected to his MacOS X iBook can be
> found there:
Thanks for all the info Paul. I'm relativelay new to Newton (1.5 years)
so until now I didn't really understand the problems involved in
writing an "NCU-like client" for MacOS X.
I tried the UnixNPI route but couldn't make/compile the executable from
the download. (Aside, a tip on this would be great. I keep getting an
error about gcc (can't remember what exactly)) (I've got a symlink to
my USBSerial adapter at /dev/newton (/dev/tty.keyUSA19181.1) so I think
it will work if I can get it to build.)
The things is...
...if UnixNPI works and there are so many problems with a "carbon
version of NCU", why not make a Cocoa interface for UnixNPI and maybe
work on extending the functionality ?
Trying to learn Cocoa myself but I really am starting from scratch so
much as I'd like to work on this, I really don't think its a realistic
solution for the community. There must be somebody out there who could
do this though ?
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