Re: [NTLK] Increasing font size in books

From: Victor Rehorst (
Date: Mon Jan 28 2002 - 12:54:25 EST

On Mon, 28 Jan 2002, Grant [Intermittent] Hutchinson wrote:

> I don't suppose that the font style and point size is stored is some
> logical spot within the book is it? I'm not clear on what the structure
> of a compiled Newton book looks like, but could you use something like
> ViewFrame to find the location of the information and then write a system
> patch that allowed you to change it?

You probably could. Except that the way the books are structured would
make it not so useful. AFAIK, when a book is compiled, NPress (or what
have you) calculates based on the font sizes how much text is going to fit
on every page, and then that is the text for that page, period. It can't
automatically "wrap" text to the next page or grab it from a previous page
to display it. Probably if you increased the font size for a particular
page you'd just have the text cut off and an ellipse (...) at the end.
And the next page *wouldn't* have the missing text. This is a bug that
sometimes happens when compiling books anyways.

Victor Rehorst - -
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