Re: [NTLK] Windows (blech!) theme?

From: David Mantripp (
Date: Mon Jan 28 2002 - 14:35:33 EST

For icons you could look at - there is a collection
under "Miscelleaneous" called Apple portables

There is a full Newton set at but I think
for Mac only...

And there you can find IconFactory which is a Mac/Windows plugin for
Photoshop which is _the_ tool for icon creation.

-----Original Message-----
From: McComb Keith []
Sent: Monday, January 28, 2002 8:01 PM
Subject: [NTLK] Windows (blech!) theme?

I use Windows 98 and XP at my job (and at home on one of my machines,
darnit!), and I was wondering if anyone had developed a Newton based
theme? I grabbed that wonderful backdrop image (and am using right
now), but I'd love to have a theme for the desktop. If not, can anyone
point me at good Windows programs for creating icons and themes?

Keith McComb

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