Re: [NTLK] bookmarks, gifs, Newton movies

From: Ed Kummel (
Date: Mon Jan 28 2002 - 18:37:45 EST

AFAIK there is no newton application that will
bookmark a book after it's been compiled. If the book
was created in Newton Press, it has a built-in
bookmarking system. Other compilers may or may not be
the same.
But I don't have the book and I do notice that it is
available in TXT format, so I may be able to recreate
the book in Newton Press format which will allow you
to book mark it.
The only app I know of that allows you to view images
is a browser. Sorry, that's the only thing that will
do this. Alternatly, you can create a newton book out
of the image and use it that way.
I'll have to look into that "Gotham" thing. Thanks.
web/gadget guru (download Newton packages) (my NPDS server)

--- wrote:
> I’ve just downloaded the books Underground in Newton
> format. Is there
> any program that can bookmark this book? And on an
> unrelated topic, can someone recommend a small app
> that will allow me to view gifs on my 2100. I’m
> thinking of downloading some of the maps discussed
> in previous posts. I don’t use Avi’s Backdrop (I’d
> like to keep using Newton Underground’s) and I don’t
> use my Newton to surf (although I guess I could
> install Newtscape). And finally, I got an email from
> Brad and Gotham is now finished!
> Seth

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