somewhere near the temporal coordinates of 1/28/02 5:06 PM, the entity known
as Laurent Daudelin transmitted the following from
>> I am Linux and windows when I hafta kind a guy, so please excuse my MAC
>> ignorance, but Newtons are very cool.
>> In reading the FAQs and the list archives, as well as talking to some
>> local MAC folk, I have some to believe you could connect x number of
>> Newts together using those localtalk dongle things that have the Newt
>> serial on one end and a box with phone jacks in the other.
>> Is this true?
>> Plug the localtalk thing into the serial port and a phone line into the
>> other and chain some newts into a network?
>> Pointers to specifics are most welcome.
>> Thanks.
>> Mike
> Yes, you can chain Newton using LocalTalk connectors pretty easily. You
> cannot mix LocalTalk, which is a cabling for a network, with a phone line,
> which implies a modem and then a serial connection.
He's talking about PhoneNet connectors (by Farallon and also made by
Now, as for having several Newts swapping packages or e-mail or anything
over LocalTalk... Well, I've not seen any indication it's possible or not
possible, but then I've only been Newt-ing for about a year. There's
several folks on here that have
(packs/gaggles/herds/prides/families/sh*tpots full) of Newts, so perhaps
they could check. {Just what *does* one call a multi-Newt grouping, anyway?
:-) }
- Eric.
--Eric Strobel (fyzycyst_at_NOSPAM^
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