>I would love to use my newton as a serial console and control and boot
>servers, however the single serial port means no keyboard when connected.
>Would any of the IR keyboard out there work with the newton? any other
The builtin keyboard (floating) in pt100 or Pocketcall can generate (has
already predefined, or you can define your own) control chars, PF keys, or
predefined "phrases". Which Newton do you have? pt100 is 2.0 and higher,
Pocketcall has a 1.3 and 2.0 versions. MP120/2.0 would barely be useable
(IMO) for short sessions of minimal interactions, MP130/2.0 would be
pretty good (it has a lot more heap). pt100 is my term of choice.
A little clunky perhaps, but if you predefine just a few things it would be
pretty useable for repeated tasks like you mention. Best for actual
command line stuff, not the "pseudo graphical" vt100 interface for system
administration with all the cursor positioning, highlighted text etc. that
would take a while to render and might turnout less than optimal (I forget
the name of any of them at the moment).
Or you could use a PC Card modem and hook to the server via rj-11, but
that's even clunkier and you'd obviously have to do even more fiddling on
the server side. I'd try defining custom macros within the terminal app,
continue connecting with the serial port, and see if you can live with it
or not.
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