As for PC-Card modems, any Hayes-compatible should work fine out of the
box. On memory cards... I too have an eMate, and I am having some
problems finding one. The problem is, many of the cards that other
Newtons can use (of which I had several available) will only mount as
read-only on the eMate. You can see the FAQ for more details on why this
is, and exactly which cards will and will not work. A month or so ago,
GEM Enterprises ( was selling 32 MB cards that
ARE eMate-compatible. They may still have them. I did not buy one,
because the price was a little to rich for my blood, and 32 MB seemed
like overkill for my needs. This may be just right for you though.
But mounting a Newton-formatted card on a Mac? I don't think this is
possible, but I could be wrong. I tried it once (out of curiosity) on a
PowerBook 5300ce, and it did not work, but the 5300 had a somewhat older
style PC- Card slot than any other PowerBook, as it was the first
PowerBook to ship with one. So it may work on others. The key question
is, can the Mac access a Newton-formatted volume? And while I lean
towards no, I could be wrong.
On Tuesday, January 29, 2002, at 12:26 PM, Rolf Brakvatne wrote:
> Hello,
> Thanks for all your advice as to getting ethernet going on my eMate
> (email
> only). Got a Farallon card off eBay and now I am looking for modem and
> PC
> card memory (NIE 2.0 really takes alot of space).
> Any recommendations? Would a 56K modem (if drivers available) work? What
> kind of PC card memory works in a Newton? Can any card be mounted inside
> MacOS i.e. 9.2?
> Thanks again.
> Warning --- more questions will be coming--- :)
> RB
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