>On 1/30/02 @ 6:05 AM, GSS wrote:
>I have a powerbook 170 and I would like to hook it up
>to my pc network at home what do I need and where can
>I get it. The power book is used to backup and install
>programs on my newton. I have a cable modem connected to
>linksys router
I use a Farallon EtherMac Mac/PB Adapter to connect my PB170 to my Mac
network at home.
It connects to the PB via the serial port for communication and the ADB
port for power.
It works will, but is limited to serial port speed.
There are SCSI adapters as well.
I went with this device due to the $ involved -- Got a good discount --
and that I could use it on older Macs without built in Ethernet.
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