You go, Memory Boy! Look out, you may have to compete with Woo for the most
apps installed on cards title....
- Dave
On 1/31/02 4:26 PM, "" <> wrote:
> I've had two 32 MB Pretecs in at one time and it worked fine.
> Randy
> "joel saleson" <> on 01/31/2002 05:57:14 PM
> Please respond to
> To:
> cc: (bcc: Randy Minton/CommScope)
> Subject: [NTLK] (2) 32mb Flashcards
> Does anyone have any experience using a 2100 with (2)32mb cards inserted?
> The FAQ doesn't have a definitive answer. Do you think NOS 2.1 could support
> 64 megs of extra ram?
> Joel Saleson
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