> Now my question is: should I just get rid of this and stay quiet, or
> should I tell phillydiscounters that he should wipe the newts he has
> left before he sells them, or perhaps tell someone in the government? (I
> can smell a class-action suit against Merck here)
I would say that you already told to much. Your Newton will be a piece of
evidence to the court and will be taken forever away from you and rest
somewhere together will all other Newtons from Philly.
The best is to tell the Philly-people how to get rid of the data BEFORE sale
and have them sold to people in need w/o any problems.
-- With best regards / Viele GruesseMarco Mailand http://slsbd.psi.ch/timing http://slsbd.psi.ch/~mmailand https://www.paypal.com/refer/pal=YYD3VUXUVD2YG
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