Re: [NTLK] OT- re- QTake200-Outage etc.

From: Thomas Hofts (
Date: Wed Jun 05 2002 - 08:52:14 EDT

on 6/5/02 7:28 AM, Ted at wrote:

> Jameson Forster wrote:
>> Outside of KC, in Johnson County. jf
>> On Saturday, June 1, 2002, at 06:22 AM, Sushi wrote:
>>> I used to live in the Little Apple.
> This was so neat I had to reply... then back
> to lurking. This is the first time I have
> ever seen someone from this close to me,
> Manhattan or the Kansas side of the KC
> megaplex on any list I have been on. The last
> closest was Missouri and Nebraska. Most people
> when you mention the Little Apple just look at
> you funny :)
> Ted talk about Aggieville in the Little Apple and they think it's
something like the Bronx in the Big Apple.

BTW...I'm from Lawrence (almost part of the KC megaplex). There's a Lawrence
link at the top of my homepage (which includes Newton info) at:

On subject..glad to see the list back up. I didn't have to send any "test"
messages to see if it worked. All the outage info was quickly posted over
the weekend at THANKS!

Tom Hofts

Visit my homepage at:

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