>First of all, let's address the Newt. The interface was made to be =
scalable. There were plans for Newts that were tablet, desktop type and =
larger designs. It was not limited to the devices that we have today, er. =
yesterday that still work today...
Very true. I use 'ButtonBarPlus to resize the interface. Interesting =
If only the Tripad/Clio could switch eith my Newt.
>The boss pops in the office. She needs me to go to a meeting.
She??? :-)
>On a side note, wouldn't a G3 powered Newt be nice?!
>Of course, I am sure that Woo would overclock his as well! ;-)
Gee, who would've thought? :-D
When I installed 384 megs. into a Rev. B iMac, the PB G3 MLB could fit in =
a Newt...hmmm
>Anyhow, my .03 -- I am stepping off of my soap box!
Careful, .03 is alot of yen... :-o
Sushi has an unfair advantage, he's too close to Aki., and he has a female =
boss. ;-)
All those toys...uhh, 'work tools', right?
!ooW %-)
Pres. of Los Angeles Newton Users Group!
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