[NTLK] WaveLAN Driver 1.0

From: SuerthP_at_andersonnews.com
Date: Mon Jun 10 2002 - 18:03:35 EDT

i'll try to phrase better in the future.... i was trying to keep from
assuming that the driver was cool with any mfr of AP... differing
interpretations of standards you know... if rolled the AP up into a tight
little wad, would if fit better ?hehehe couldn't resist that one.

Subject: Re: [NTLK] WaveLAN Driver 1.0
From: Robert Benschop <rbenschop_at_mac.com>

on 10-06-2002 8:28, Jeff Henry at j3ff_at_comcast.net wrote:

> The access point does not matter as long as it is 802.11b. Remember you
> arent sticking the access point in the newton just the card.

But the first one who manages to do this anyway gets a free 2100 !

Robert Benschop

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