[NTLK] Newt Cartoon (shameless plug)

From: David Nett (troilus1_at_mac.com)
Date: Mon Jun 10 2002 - 18:46:16 EDT

Folks --
David here -- lurker and uMP2k user. I'm the guy that draws Life_v1.1
(formerly, "Funny Stuff"), a cartoon about the life of, well, me, a Newton
user. The cartoon is featured on the homepage of This Old Newt (thanks to
TON!). Just wanted to give you all a heads-up that my newest cartoon (and
the next few subsequent cartoons) center around my little Newton, and our
ongoing relationship.

If you'd like to check the cartoon out, visit
http://www.clarkschpiell.com/home/cartoonhome.shtml , or This Old Newt at

Thanks for tolerating the plug.

David Nett
Clark Schpiell Productions
Webmaster and High Muckety-Muck

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