on 11/06/02 03:53, Jesse Garnier at jgarnier_at_mac.com wrote:
> WEP is working successfully for me using an AirPort base station. I entered
> the key code as hexadecimal with uppercase letters.
> The only thing not working for me is large package installations. As with
> previous versions, large package installations consistently fail after, oh,
> say, 100k or so. Backups -- presumably larger than 100k -- seem to go just
> fine.
> I've e-mailed the author about the WEP success and the failed package
> installations.
I've been able to surf the internet so far, but unable to achieve any
connection with NCU. Just to make sure that NCU wasn't acting up, I did
remove my ORiNOCO card and put back my Farallon. On the first attempt, I
connected easily to NCU. Pulled back the Farallon, put back the ORiNOCO. No
connection. This is with a new worksite set to use it. So, it works and all,
but not for NCU (and yes "use this card for AppleTalk" is checked).
BTW, another odd thing. When I entered my network name, "Daudelin's
Network", and closed the setup slip, I've got an error saying that my WEP
key was too long. I didn't enter anything for the WEP key, since I haven't
paid yet. I reopened the setup and my network name was also now my WEP key.
Did anybody notice that? Is the network name the same as the WEP key??? Or
am I missing something?
-- ============================================================================ Laurent Daudelin <http://members.cox.net/nemesys> Logiciels Nemesys Software mailto:nemesys_at_cox.netdangling pointer n.: [common] A reference that doesn't actually lead anywhere (in C and some other languages, a pointer that doesn't actually point at anything valid). Usually this happens because it formerly pointed to something that has moved or disappeared. Used as jargon in a generalization of its techspeak meaning; for example, a local phone number for a person who has since moved to the other coast is a dangling pointer. Compare dead link.
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