Re: [NTLK] A question of Connection.....

From: Laurent Daudelin (
Date: Thu Jun 13 2002 - 03:50:01 EDT

on 13/06/02 00:48, Helene at wrote:

> Hello everybody,
> I am pretty new to newton. Got my 2000 (upgraded2100) 2 weeks ago and a
> bunch of other Newton. Yes I have now the NewtVirus.. Anyway, I received
> today my 3com ethernet PC card and was able to surf the Net in notime,
> BUT, I cannot establish a connection with my Macs via my internal
> network. Few Macs connected to the cable and together via a cable router
> Ugate 3200. I setup the 2000 to appletalk and the same in the NCU pref
> on the mac , etc....but nothing work. The MP2000 looks for MacOS
> computers ...and nothing. Please help.
> helene
> P.S. Is somebody on the list speaking French by any chance?


Oui oui, il y a quelques abonnes qui parlent francais dans la liste. Quelle
version du OS utilises-tu? Est-ce que AppleTalk est regle pour utiliser
Ethernet sur le Mac? Sur ton Newton, est-ce que "Use the card for AppleTalk"
est coche dans la petite fenetre qui apparait lorsque tu inseres la carte
Ethernet 3Com?


Laurent Daudelin                            <>
Logiciels Nemesys Software                  

gib /jib/: 1. vi. To destroy utterly. Like frag, but much more violent and final. "There's no trace left. You definitely gibbed that bug". 2. n. Remnants after total obliteration. Originated first by id software in the game Quake. It's short for giblets (thus pronounced "jib"), and referred to the bloody remains of slain opponents. Eventually the word was verbed, and leaked into general usage afterward.

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