Re: [NTLK] Re[2]: Re[2]: Convincing argument against MS

From: Thomas Cherry (
Date: Thu Jun 13 2002 - 10:18:59 EDT

on 06/13/2002 9:55 AM, Eric L. Strobel at wrote:

> None of this, though, addresses the original question -- Give a
> technical/usage-based argument why Windows is so poor?

One reason I dislike Wintell is that after you load a virus scanner to sort
through all your mail and files you need 1+ Gig Hz just to use word.

Keeping a windows computer healthy is not a small task. Too keep hackers
out you must keep up with the latest patches from Microsoft but not too new
as the patches have been known to cause trouble as well. An a Mac, I spend
less time in maintenance mode and more time on the tasks that required me to
use a computer to begin with.

With apple I get:
No DLL hell.

No Registry to get corrupt.

Smaller OS size.

Smaller memory requirements.

Better plug-and-play

Better free apps (iTunes)

Application ram space larger than 640k (windows still needs to segment
applications into 640k chunks to run them).

Better true RISC processors which run at lower power levels which sport 32
32 bit registers.

Altavec is much better then mmx and the OS uses it for all sorts or things.
Microsoft still has not incorporated mmx into their OS for use or general OS

Apple is a true leader of the platform which allows them to direct the
platform forward. Apple can do things like discontinue the floppy. PC's
can't seem to do this. No one out there controls the platform and because
of this they still have to stick with IBM's designs from 1980.

Well written Applications have always been self contained files which can be
moved at will, even when the application is running. I don't have to live
with the way Microsoft thinks I should organize my drive. If I want, I can
keep all my applications on my desktop or in nested folders on a zip drive.

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