Re: [NTLK] [newtontalk] GEMEnterprises

From: Chris Ruprecht (
Date: Fri Jun 14 2002 - 07:35:07 EDT

Hey Gwen,

There must be Mac shops in France - just go and get a standard Mac
serial cable (printer cable for older Macs to older Mac Printers). That
should work, and they shouldn't be more than E$5.

Best regards,

On Friday, June 14, 2002, at 03:08 , Gwen wrote:

> Olivier chanet said at =D2[NTLK] [newtontalk] GEMEnterprises=D3.
> [14/06/2002Ven 08:26]
>> So, guys, be very carefull with these guys.
>> I am contacting them today, and I will keep you informed.
> Me too, I have a bad experience with GEM 2 weeks ago. I have buy an
> serial
> cable for my 130 and they send me a cable for a 2100 (With incorporated
> dongle). For me it's better because it's higher, but if I wanted to
> receive
> the cable that I asked, they need me to return the Dongle cable (From
> France to USA) and pay for that. I said no, but, I wanted to keep this
> cable and receive a new one. I wanted to pay for all the cables, but
> they
> wanted to charge me all the price for he Dongle cable AND shipping. I
> was
> thinking that the dont ask me to pay for the shipping of the new cable
> because it's an error.
> So, now, I have a serial cable with incorporated dongle but no cable
> for my
> 130 device, it's my eMate who is happy. :-)
> Gem is not really serrious I thing, bad communication and very slow
> reactions :-(
> Gwen. (Sorry for my bad english... I am french and it's the morning)
> --
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Chris Ruprecht
1505 Fort Clark Boulevard #1-205 * Gainesville, FL 32606

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