Re: [NTLK] [Slightly OT] Apple Laptops - <sigh> system performance

From: Michael 'Mickey' Sattler (
Date: Mon Jun 17 2002 - 19:02:02 EDT

At 07:48 -0500 6/17/2002, Rolf Brakvatne wrote:

>Where are you getting your floppy drive drivers for X?

You're kidding, right? With all the options out there, from
recordable CDs to file-sharing via email, FTP, web, etc. why would I
ever want to go back to such a buggy medium as floppies? (But don't
take offense, read on for a solution.)

>Do you know if 10.2 will support Wallstreet's hardware based DVD?

I believe SJ said that the hardware-based DVD players were out of
luck. I'm not wild about that answer, being the owner of a Wall
Street, but just as with floppies, when I want to watch a DVD I boot
into OS 9, fetch the popcorn, set it to full screen, and watch.

BTW, on a related topic, I'm constantly amazed at what old hardware
people use for modern software. I'm the proud owner of a Lombard,
Wall Street, Pismo, and just recently, a DVI (TiPB G4 800MHz). The
first two sport 384 MB RAM, the latter two 512 MB RAM. Mac OS X
10.1.5 is slow on Lombard, adequete on Wall Street, good on Pismo,
and delightful on DVI. But there are people who have it running on
Power Computing machines! Aye yi yi! Granted, we can't all afford new
PowerBooks every year, but an iMac every three would more than do it
(if you feel that you really, really want the latest and greatest
OS). My in-laws are happy with OS X on a 333 MHz iMac...


Michael "Mickey" Sattler, Geek Times   <>
San Francisco, California, USA    <>

I was born not knowing and have had only a little time to change that here and there. -- Richard Feynman (1918 - 1988)

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