There is are several isp's but the only i can recall that has roaming
services is Red Cientifica.
Check them at
Meybe is easier if your friend gets local access with an isp. There
are also many 'cabinas' public internet access points for about a
dolar an hour.
If u need more help mail me offlist
> A friend is heading to Peru for several months and I was wondering if
>anyone knows of a Canadian ISP (or one with a Canadian presence) that has
>roaming in Peru.
> Sympatico, EarthLink and AT&T appear not to have roaming numbers for
>Peru (or at least not at prices real people can afford). AOL is beginning to
>look like the only possibility and she'd really rather have a real internet
> Any help would be appreciated ... If you want to reply off list to keep
>OT clutter to a minimum please don't hesitate.
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