well, as HGTV is based right here in East Tennessee, nestled between the
twin peaks of Dollywood and the cultural mecca of Nashville, one must
surpress their surprise if not their annoyance..
orig msg below...
Date: Sat, 22 Jun 2002 17:43:47 +0200
From: machula <barpoes_at_xs4all.nl>
Subject: Re: [NTLK] SER-001 with Pix Solutions overclock
><Humor alert>
>Possibly means that your Newt will sound more like Christoper Lowel (the
>interior decorator on the Home and Garden channel) Than George S Patton
><End Humor alert>
Hey our house was on the home and garden channel, with us in it. The
item was "homes in Amsterdam" but they refused to film my office,
with all the macs and newton exposed... they wanted me to play the
cello (yes I play the cello) and pretend to be the pretty - blonde -
ignorant - and - always - listening - to her husband - little -
housewife instead of the geeky nurdy girl i am. That's when i decided
I could never live in the states...
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