> I got my option globetrotter (http://www.option.com/trotter.htm) trial unit
> yesterday. The pc card is very small - even with the triband-gprs pc card
> inserted my newton 2100 still fits perfectly in its leather case.
> The newton recognized the pc card right away, right now I am fiddling with
> different option modem drivers found on UNNA (I have got two from novamedia,
> another one from former newtonshop.com) and different NIE setups to get a GPRS
> connection (hopefully) or at least a dial up connection working.
That's great! The best you can do to find the correct modem strings is
taking a look at the windows .inf file (the installer for the modem). Then use
ModemModifier for entering those strings. I've done that in the past, let me
know if you need some instructions.
> My 2100 refused to work with my (old) option firstfone (timed out all the
> after a few months, now it seems to have the very same problem with the
> globetrotter - I will give it a try in my spare newton 2100 or try to get it
> dial into a GSM network/internet with PT100.
I'm very interested.
Daniel Padilla
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